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Which wall colour is good for health?

In everyday situations, activities and responses are influenced by colour. The colours surrounding you, particularly in your home and workplace, can affect your mood, mental health, appetite, and behaviour.
Red is associated with increased appetite, energy, excitement, and passion. It is also known for stimulating conversation, so its a perfect accent colour for family and dining rooms. However, use red with caution in your bedroom, as too much red can disrupt sleep, increase respiration rate, and raise blood pressure.
Pink garners an opposite response to red. Instead of invoking feelings of passion and excitement, it diminishes feelings of anger and resentment. Pink, like many colours, is physically soothing and has a calming effect on people. When tested in a Swiss prison, pink cell walls helped reduce anger in inmates in approximately 15 minutes.
Studies have shown that cool colours, like blue, act as a relaxant, especially for anxious people. Cool tones help decrease blood pressure, lower heart rate, relieve tension, and alleviate muscle spasms. In the bedroom, blue tones are popular because they create a calm, relaxing space for sleep.
Like blue, green shades are also known for their relaxing effects. Green also helps alleviate stress, increase concentration, and instil a sense of safety. It is one of the best colours to be surrounded by for prolonged periods of time. Researchers have found green hues help increase efficiency, creativity, and mood. In fact, people who work in green business environments tend to report higher job satisfaction.
While yellow is often associated with joy, happiness, and excitement, it can have a polarizing effect when people are exposed to it in large amounts. Yellow is considered the most difficult colour to the eye, and people are more likely to lose their temper and babies are more likely to cry in yellow rooms.